29 Andrews way, Herne Hill - Proposed Addition of Patio - REF - 21-50988-1

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Consultation has concluded


The Western Australian Planning Commission has received an application for development approval. Approval is sought for the addition of a patio to an existing single house at 29 Andrews Way, Herne Hill, in the Swan Valley Planning Area.

This development proposes the addition of a patio to an existing single house. The application proposes a setback variation of 0.5m to the boundary.


The Western Australian Planning Commission has received an application for development approval. Approval is sought for the addition of a patio to an existing single house at 29 Andrews Way, Herne Hill, in the Swan Valley Planning Area.

This development proposes the addition of a patio to an existing single house. The application proposes a setback variation of 0.5m to the boundary.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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