What is the Part 17 Significant Development Pathway?

    The Part 17 Significant Development Pathway was a temporary initiative introduced by the State Government in 2020 to encourage major developments as part of its COVID-19 pandemic economic recovery program. Applicants with proposals valued at $20 million or more in the metropolitan area and $5 million or more in regional areas were able to apply to be determined by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC). . In making its decision, the WAPC is able to apply additional discretion. For more information about the pathway, please see the Part 17 page, including FAQs.

    What is the value of this proposal?

    $200 million

    In which local government area is this proposal located?

    The proposed development is located within the Town of Cambridge local government area, near a border with the City of Stirling and adjacent to the City of Nedlands.

    Will the three local governments in the area be consulted?

    Yes, consultation with the Town of Cambridge will occur, as the responsible local government authority for comment on the application. The City of Stirling and City of Nedlands, as neighbouring local government area, will also be invited to comment on the proposal along with relevant State agency stakeholders.

    What does the Town of Cambridge strategic planning framework say about the Ocean Village Neighbourhood Centre?

    The subject site is zoned Local Centre under the Town of Cambridge Local Planning Scheme No. 1. The Local Planning Strategy 2021 identifies the site as a future Neighbourhood Centre suitable for redevelopment as a mixed-used, multi-storey centre, with a range of housing types, indicating 200-250 new dwellings for the site.

    The Local Planning Strategy can be viewed at https://www.cambridge.wa.gov.au/Plan-Build/Planning/Local-Planning-Strategy

    What is the Town of Cambridge’s adopted position in relation to the future development of the Ocean Village precinct, including its height?

    The Town of Cambridge Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 25 June 2024 resolved to adopt a preferred development outcome for the Ocean Village precinct.

    Part 2 of the Council’s resolution states the following:

    “2. ADOPTS the position that its preferred development outcome for the precinct is mixed use development of a height of up to six storeys, consistent with State Planning Policy 7.3 - Residential Design Codes Volume 2 – Apartment R-AC3 coding, the Local Planning Strategy, community expectations, and the low-density context of the surrounding residential area.

    The Council’s full resolution and further background information related to the site has been published on the Town’s website at

    Ocean Village Shopping Precinct Planning (cambridge.wa.gov.au).

    I responded to surveys on the redevelopment of Ocean Village in the past. Do I need to make another submission?

    Yes, this consultation is to gather feedback on an application to redevelop the site as a neighbourhood centre with three buildings ranging from 3 storeys up to the equivalent of 23 storeys, comprising apartments, a supermarket, tavern, small bar, liquor store, retail, pharmacy, offices, food and beverage, medical centre, gym, village green and parking.

    Will my response be shared with the Town of Cambridge?

    A summary of the feedback from submissions, including the themes and key issues raised, will be shared with the Town to consider in its response to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (Department).

    How is the development application assessed?

    The Department will assess the proposal and prepare a report, along with a recommendation, for the WAPC’s consideration. This assessment will focus on matters such as strategic planning and potential impacts on local amenity, traffic, the environment and bushfire management, and will also take into account submissions received during the advertising process. The report will either recommend that the application be approved (with or without conditions) or be refused.

    Who is the decision-maker for the application?

    The WAPC is the decision-maker for Part 17 Significant Development Applications. A meeting date for the WAPC to determine the application will be scheduled once feedback has been received from the public and other stakeholders, and an assessment is complete.

    When will the application be determined?

    There are no statutory timeframes to assess a development application under the temporary Part 17 Significant Development Pathway, however applications are required to be determined as soon as is reasonably practical. Once a meeting date is confirmed, any person who made a submission on the development application will be advised by WAPC officers and offered the opportunity to attend the meeting either in person or online. They can also apply to make a presentation (deputation) to the WAPC.

    Will I be advised about the outcome of the application?

    If you agree to be contacted when you make your online submission, you will be notified of the application outcome.

    Where can I get more information?

    While public advertising is open, the development application can be viewed online at haveyoursay.dplh.wa.gov.au or in person at the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, Level 2, 140 William Street, Perth (by appointment) or at the Town of Cambridge offices at 1 Bold Park Drive, Floreat WA 6015, during office hours. 


    Appointment requests and any enquiries related to the application should be directed to the SDAU team, either by email to SDAUconsultation@dplh.wa.gov.au or by phone to (08) 6551 9450.