What is the Part 17 Significant Development Pathway?

    The Part 17 Significant Development Pathway was a temporary initiative introduced by the State Government in 2020 to encourage major developments as part of its COVID-19 economic recovery program. Proposals valued at more than $20 million in the metropolitan area and $5 million in regional areas were able to apply to be determined by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) with additional discretion available in making its decision. For more information about the pathway, please see the Part 17 page, including FAQs.

    What is substantial commencement?

    Substantial commencement is when some substantial part of work on the development has been carried out. This results in the planning approval being validated.

    Why is the applicant able to apply for an extension?

    Under Part 17 of the Planning and Development Act (2005) applicants of approved developments are able to apply for one extension to the substantial commencement period specified in the approval conditions.

    Are there any changes to the plans proposed as part of this amendment application, such as building height or density?

    No, there are no modifications proposed to the design or layout.

    Can I comment on the elements of the original development application, such as the height and density of the development?

    You are welcome to make comment, however this feedback will not have a bearing on the assessment and determination of this application. Only comments about the impacts of any extension will be considered.

    Will the local government be consulted?

    Yes, the City of Cockburn and other State agency stakeholders are invited to comment on the amendment application.

    Who will determine this application and when?

    The WAPC is the decision-maker for applications to extend the substantial commencement period. A meeting date will be scheduled once feedback has been received from the public and other stakeholders, and an assessment is complete. If you agree to be contacted when you make your online submission, you will be notified of the meeting date.

    Will I be advised about the outcome on the amendment application?

    If you agree to be contacted when you make your online submission, you will be notified of the application outcome.

    When would the new substantial commencement period begin?

    The new substantial commencement date will be confirmed in the WAPC decision.

    What happens if the development is not substantially commenced by the new date?

    If the development has not substantially commenced before the revised development approval period expires, the approval lapses.