Why is this proposal being advertised?

    The proposed Scheme Amendment is being advertised in accordance with the Swan Valley Planning Act 2020 and the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.

    What is the role of DPLH in this project?

    Following consultation, DPLH will prepare a report on the proposed Scheme Amendment for consideration by the Swan Valley Statutory Planning Committee.

    Are the plans indicative of what will be developed?

    Yes, the proponent has prepared a an indicative masterplan showing how the site could be developed. If the Scheme Amendment is approved by the Minister for Planning, the landowner will need to submit a development application with more detailed plans. The development application will be advertised for public comment before it is determined.

    Has there been any community consultation on this project already?


    What is the process for this amendment to be determined?

    After advertising, the Swan Valley Statutory Planning Committee, on behalf of the WAPC, will consider the proposal, including all submissions, and make a recommendation to the Minister for Planning. The Minister will make the final decision on the proposed Scheme Amendment.