Why is this application being advertised by DPLH?

    The Swan Valley Planning Framework has been prepared by the Western Australian Planning Commission under the powers conferred by the Planning and Development Act 2005 and the Swan Valley Planning Act 2020.

    Who is the applicant for this development and who is the owner of the site?

    The applicant for this application is Lateral Planning. 

    The site owner for this application is P.Ramsay.

    What is the value of the development?


    What is the role of the City of Swan?

    As this land is under the control of the WAPC, the City of Swan is consulted as a stakeholder.

    Has there been any community consultation on this project already?

    No, this is the first time the community is being asked for feedback.

    What are the elements of the development that I am able to influence?

    As part of the consultation, the WAPC is seeking feedback from anyone who would like to provide comments. This includes comments on setbacks from
    boundaries, site coverage and use permissibility.

    What is the process for this development to be determined?

    The assessment takes into consideration feedback from the consultation and referral comments received from agencies and loal government. Following advertising, officers will assess the issues and prepare a report and recommendation that will be considered for a decision by the Swan Valley Planning Committee or its delegated Officer.