Marine Rescue Whitfords Radio Equipment Tower - Amended Development Application

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Consultation has concluded

Artist impression only


The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has received an application to amend a development approval at Lot 555 Ocean Reef Road, Ocean Reef. The application proposes to change the design of the radio equipment tower on the Marine Rescue Whitfords building within the Ocean Reef Marina.

The proposed radio equipment tower incorporates:

  • A circular headframe that houses two omni antennas, incorporating six VHF antennas;
  • A ladder for access and servicing;
  • A structural base fitted to the roof of the approved MRW; and
  • An overall height of approximately 25 metres measured from ground level (approximately 3 metres lower than the previously approved plans);

The application is being considered by the WAPC under the Ocean Reef Marina Improvement Scheme No. 1.

Artist impression only


The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has received an application to amend a development approval at Lot 555 Ocean Reef Road, Ocean Reef. The application proposes to change the design of the radio equipment tower on the Marine Rescue Whitfords building within the Ocean Reef Marina.

The proposed radio equipment tower incorporates:

  • A circular headframe that houses two omni antennas, incorporating six VHF antennas;
  • A ladder for access and servicing;
  • A structural base fitted to the roof of the approved MRW; and
  • An overall height of approximately 25 metres measured from ground level (approximately 3 metres lower than the previously approved plans);

The application is being considered by the WAPC under the Ocean Reef Marina Improvement Scheme No. 1.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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