Why is this application being advertised by DPLH?
Development within the Ocean Reef Marina is subject to the Ocean Reef Marina Improvement Scheme No. 1 which is under the control of the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC). Development applications are lodged with the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage on behalf of the WAPC.
Who is the applicant for this development?
Taylor Burrell Barnett on behalf of DevelopmentWA
What is the role of the City of Joondalup?
The City of Joondalup is consulted as a stakeholder and may provide a recommendation to the WAPC.
What is the purpose of the radio equipment tower?
The proposed tower will accommodate radio equipment needed for Marine Rescue Whitfords to undertake rescue duties. No mobile phone telecommunications equipment is proposed to be installed on the tower.
What are the health impacts associated with the proposal?
Public health standards for exposure to electromagnetic emissions are set by the Australian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Agency and come under separate legislation that sits outside of the planning framework.
Why is consultation being undertaken?
The WAPC is seeking feedback from anyone who would like to provide comments for consideration in the assessment of the application.
What is the process for this development to be determined?
The assessment considers feedback from the consultation and referral comments received from agencies and the City of Joondalup prior to a decision being made by the WAPC.