Will there be a Manual for Local Government design review processes?

    Yes. This will be part of the second stage of the wider Design Review Guide project. The creation of two separate manuals is to address the different operations and parameters of State and Local Design Review Panels.

    Will the State Design Review Panel Manual change how the SDRP operates?

    No. As a subcommittee of the WAPC, the operation of the SDRP is governed by the recently updated Terms of Reference. Updates were informed by the WAPC’s review of the role, purpose and functions of the SDRP in 2023 to ensure it would properly support Commission decision-making and the Significant Development Pathway, which opened on 1 March 2024. This Manual is a communication tool outlining how the SDRP currently operates, and how to best to engage with the SDRP process.

    How does this Manual relate to design review for the Part 11B Significant Development Pathway?

    The processes in the new document are broadly applicable to projects undergoing SDRP review, however Part 11B projects can be offered a tailored review approach, as appropriate to the scale and complexity of the proposal.