What is the difference between Stage One and Stage Two of this initiative?

    The Housing Diversity Pipeline Round 1 released specific government owned sites to the market seeking innovative development solutions which would deliver a minimum 20% social or affordable dwellings as part of a development of the site.

    The Housing Diversity Pipeline Round 2 does not identify specific sites. Instead, industry is invited to identify suitable government owned land and bring forth proposals to purchase and expedite development of the land to deliver new residential land or housing. There is no requirement for development to deliver a minimum amount of social or affordable housing.

    Why is only land capable of achieving a residential outcome included in the program?

    The primary objective of the HDP Round 2 is to accelerate the supply of new housing. Suitable land will therefore already be capable of delivering a residential development outcome, and development proposals should be primarily focused on maximising the delivery of new housing.

    How will Responses be assessed?

    All Responses will be assessed in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Request document. 

    Only Responses that meet the requirements of the Request and pass an evaluation will be shortlisted for negotiations.

    Successful Respondents may be offered to purchase land subject to conditions to the benefit of the State to ensure the proposed residential development outcome is delivered and is done so within an agreed timeframe. 

    Where the agreed development outcome cannot be delivered, the State will reserve the right to retain or take back the land.  

    What happens if land requires rezoning to facilitate residential development?

    A key objective of this HDP Round 2 program is to accelerate the supply of housing through minimum delivery timeframes. 

    As such, for land to be considered suitable for sale under this program it must already be appropriately zoned under a local planning scheme to achieve a residential outcome or already be subject to planning or other regulatory processes to facilitate a residential development.

    Prospective Respondents are advised to carefully consider this requirement in formulating their proposals. 

    What will be the approval pathway for development once the land is transacted?

    Successful Respondents will be solely responsible for securing all necessary approvals required to undertake the proposed development via existing established planning and building approval pathways.

    How can I confirm land is suitable and available for sale?

    It is the Prospective Respondents responsibility to undertake any investigations they deem necessary to satisfy themselves of the suitability or applicability of land in accordance with the requirements of this Request.

    The State cannot assist in the investigation of land and will not provide any confirmation or opinion as to whether any land fits within the scope or requirements of the Request. Only following lodgement of a Response will the State consider the suitability of land in accordance with requirements of the Request.

    What if multiple responses are received identifying the same land or a portion of the same land?

    The EOI Request document outlines the details of the evaluation process and relevant criteria.

    Where multiple responses are received for the same land or a portion of the same land, each will be assessed and evaluated concurrently against the relevant criteria. A competitive evaluation process may occur in which multiple Respondents may be shortlisted for negotiations in respect of that land or portion.

    How will I know if there is an addendum or change to the Request conditions?

    Prospective Respondents are strongly encouraged to register on Have your say, WA!.

    Announcements, addendums and related updates will be published on the page website and emailed to registered accounts.