Has the process for applying for development approval been improved or simplified?

    Yes, it has. Most developments on zoned land no longer require approval under the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS). You will only need one form to apply for development approval under both the local planning scheme and the MRS.

    How will proponents or local governments know when a development approval is required?

    Comprehensive education and resources will be provided once the Bill passes Parliament, including webinars (recordings will be available). Flow charts and supporting documents will also be provided for guidance. The Commission will issue a Notice of Development Requiring Approval to key stakeholders and publish it on the Commission/DPLH websites. In many cases, the local government’s decision under the local planning scheme will also apply to the MRS, meaning no additional work is required.

    Are there changes to how a local government receives and processes a development application under the MRS?

    No, the process for lodging and processing a development application remains largely the same. Applications are still submitted to the local government and the application under the local planning scheme also serves as the application under the MRS, as the revised MRS text has eliminated the need for separate forms.

    Why are these provisions outlined in a notice instead of the text?

    Using a notice allows the Commission to update and review the information regularly, keeping it current and relevant without going through the lengthy process of amending the regional scheme.