What is Zincalume and why is it being considered for use in heritage places?

    Zincalume is a type of corrugated metal roofing material composed of zinc, aluminium and silicon-coated steel. It's being considered for use in heritage places as an alternative roofing material in specific circumstances to conserve cultural heritage significance.

    Why is this proposal being advertised?

    The proposal is being advertised to seek feedback from LGOs on any amenity issues that may result from the revised guidelines, particularly regarding the use of Zincalume.

    What are some potential issues with Zincalume and other reflective building materials for heritage places?

    Potential issues could include concerns about the visual impact of reflective surfaces and the compatibility of Zincalume with the surrounding heritage fabric.

    What is the role of DPLH in this project?

    The Guidelines have been prepared by the Department on instruction from the Heritage Council.  

    What are the elements of the guideline that can be influenced?

    The Heritage Council has specifically asked for consultation to occur with Local Governments to determine if there are any amenity issues associated with the use of Zincalume.

    What are the timeframes for this project?

    The Chair requested a three-month consultation period. Following this, all feedback will be presented to the Heritage Council for their consideration to determine if any updates to the guideline are required.  

    Has there been any community consultation on this project already?

    At present, there hasn't been any community consultation conducted for this project.

    Will submissions be anonymous?

    Submissions may be published as part of the consultation process, but participants can choose whether they want their submission to remain anonymous via the survey.