What is an Improvement Scheme?

    An Improvement Scheme is a similar instrument to a local planning scheme, it zones and reserves land and contains development control provisions for a scheme area. Improvement schemes are made in accordance with Part 8 of the Planning and Development Act 2005.

    An improvement scheme comes into effect when it is published in the Government Gazette. It becomes the statutory land use planning instrument for the area and replaces the local and region planning schemes while it is in effect.

    The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) will become the responsible planning authority for the improvement scheme area however, it may delegate these powers to other bodies, including the local government.

    What is the Improvement Scheme Report?

    The improvement scheme text and improvement scheme map act at the statutory planning instrument. The improvement scheme report should be read in conjunction with the text and map.

    The improvement scheme report provides the context and explanatory commentary for the improvement scheme, similar to a local planning strategy. It sets out the underlying assumptions and rationale so that the intent and objectives of the scheme can be realised.

    What is the mode of consultation?

    The WAPC is required to advertise the improvement scheme in accordance with regulation 22 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.

    Submissions on the Draft Improvement Scheme can be made from xx to xx

    The WAPC will consider all submissions received on the Draft Improvement Scheme and will assess whether the scheme should be modified according to each submission received. The WAPC will then prepare a schedule of submissions and provide recommendations on each one, for presentation to the Minister for Planning.

    The Minister will consider all information provided before deciding whether to approve or refuse to approve the Improvement Scheme or direct the WAPC to make a modification.

    What is the new station and new precinct name?

    In July 2024 the State Government announced the renaming of Malaga Station to Ballajura Station. Planning documentation prepared prior to the name change will refer to the Malaga Station Precinct, these documents remain applicable under the new station and precinct name. Planning documents prepared after July 2024 refer to the Ballajura Station Precinct name.